Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day Question

What Did Your Mother Teach You

Today’s day is special to all women who either gave birth ,adopted or just took in a child in need and I just want to take the time to applaud you.

I was reading face book today catching up on all the news you all have to offer and stumbled onto a question about Mothers that appealed to me so I thought I would get your answers. How fun it will be to read back each answer getting even closer to you my readers. One word answers are fine if you aren’t the sharing type but seriously I would love reading what your Mother has taught you, did it change your life, was it something that was passed down from generations, do you find yourself doing something she always did, crafting, sewing, cooking, working in the garden or just something you so admired in her that you want to share.
My Mother gave me so many great traits but to choose one would be how she could create. Mom had 5 children basically in a row so she had to learn how to make do with what she had in order for us all to be well dressed and happy. She crocheted, knitted and sewed so the 3 girls always had clothes that were especially made for them. Mom taught us all how to work with our hands in the garden so that fresh vegetables were available for meals, and she could make powdered milk taste fantastic. She taught us to add a dash of this and a dash of that to create wonderful meals. My fondest memories remembered are when Mom belonged to each of our PTAs. We had the best school carnivals, class parties, and our house was decorated for every occasion. Even as we grew up we knew coming home to visit Mom her home would be decorated. I have taken this wonderful trait with me and every occasion my home is decorated I personally love Christmas so I literally take everything out of my house and transform it into Christmas as my Mom would do. Mom did like Halloween like Christmas so it was the scariest home ever all the children loved to go trick or treating at her house. Now that my Mom has passed on each time I decorate I look at my creation and think how special she made it for me and I just smile. My children comment that they hope to have my decorations when I go to Heaven I just remind them it is not going to be for a long time so start shopping but I am so pleased that this is something they want to continue like me and my Mom.

Happy Mother’s Day with much love …

I have included some pictures of my Mom please do the same


  1. My mother taught me tolerance and understanding more than anything else. With two of my brothers with disabilities, she taught all of us to be kind to those who are different in any way. I don't think I would be the same person without this crucial lesson in my life.

    Happy Belated Mother's Day!

  2. Hi Judy
    Thank you for sharing your Mom's cherished moments. She has given you a great gift yes we all need to be kind no matter what..
    Sincerely Rachel

  3. Your mom was so pretty and what lovely memories you have.

    Thanks for the follow-- it has been returned. I've always been interested it woodcrafting-- birdhouses and such-- maybe your blog will inspire me to give it a go.

  4. Hi Lesa I stopped by your blog I also love to read. Generally I don't get much time for that but I am fortunate enough to enjoy it when I can. I have found myself loving the series of books that are created around a group of quilting women and their lives. I don't remember the author's name at this time but they are lovely stories. Next time I will put it here in case you want to read them.
    Thank you for commenting about my Mom and yes I do have so many fond memories.
    Birdhouses are so much fun you can add so much to them to make them unique...Happy woodworking and again thank you for following.
