Sunday, April 24, 2011

Life is Good

I am hoping that each and everyone had a wonderful Easter Day filled with good food, loving family and joy in your heart.
Today my husband Steve and I started our day with an early Mass as usual it opens my eyes..50 days of feasting is now the calendar event which is something I never knew or if I did I forgot. It is going to be my goal to make sure that I bring happiness in everything I do. The housework,yard work, sewing, even walking out to the mailbox I will have a smile on my face.My husband had a ruptured brain aneursym November 15,2010 it was a very difficult time for our family I never stopped believing everyday I would be by his side with a positive attitude this way Steve saw me with a smile. I believe with all the prayers that were said and the positive attitude which came from my belief of God Steve is alive. Today as we sat in church holding hands the positive energy of God was with us and we both know he will continue to walk with us. Steve is doing better each day his short term memory is getting better and physically he is great.I have my moments of tears that I keep only to myself when its very late and Steve is sleeping more from joy of his life with me than remembering the fear of my life without him. Today is my wish for you all is to Have a Happy Easter! Enjoy your life with those around you keep them dear, have peace in your heart with those that try your patience and for the next 50 days Feast in Life!


  1. Thanks for following :)
    I returned the favor.
    Your crafts are lovely!
    I may inquire about one sometime :)
    Hope you have a great week!

  2. Glad to hear that things are getting better. Tom and I have been married for 34 years and known each other for 40 - I don't even want to imagine my life without him-so I know a little of how you feel. Wishing you many , many years of health and happiness : D

